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Mark Kelly menolak permintaan Senat Arizona dan mengungkapkan bahwa mayoritas orang masih mendukung demokrasi . _ _ _bahwa mayoritas rakyat masih mendukung demokrasi . _NBC News telah melaporkan .

 POS KUNCI • Blake Masters , ialah  Presiden Donald Trump di perbatasan negara bagian , akan digantikan oleh Demokrat Arizona Mark Kelly di Senat . oleh Presiden Donald Trump di negara bagian perbatasan negara itu , akan digantikan oleh Demokrat Arizona Mark Kelly di Senat . informasi diberikan oleh Komisi Pemilihan Federal , Kelly menggulingkan dan memiliki lebih banyak karyawan daripada Master Capitalis Ventura.Menurut informasi yang diberikan oleh Komisi Pemilihan Federal , Kelly menggulingkan dan memiliki lebih banyak karyawan daripada Master Capitalis Ventura. • Seorang kandidat dari Partai Demokrat calon pejabat mencalonkan diridengan platform bipartisan dan mempromosikan kemampuannya untuk bekerja dengan Partai Republik di berbagai bidang . pada bipartisan __ _ _platform dan mempromosikan kemampuannya untuk bekerja dengan Partai Republik di berbagai bidang . _ _ _ _ _Pada tanggal 8 November 2022, Senator AS Mark Kelly (D-AZ) dan stafnya, yang meliputi anggota Kongres Gabby Giffo

words of motivation

 [Music] laughter [Music] I'm a nice vet so then do you think today will be the day well there's no way to predict match with any degree of certainty missus Cal rectify the day will come I promise you that all right well let's meet these new candidates well you're the candidate mrs. Gilbert the dogs need to meet you of course [Music] excuse me fugitive on the loose yeah hi responds the name of Rocco apparently Carly dan hi I didn't know you were in town yeah last week I'm taking over my grandpa's clinic your sister wrote me and said you guys needed some help but um since I've lost my first patient already not yet apparently oh sorry um friend I used to be are you ready for your interview yeah [Music] hey there little guy Oh get used to it for clever especially this little guy thanks Michelle man you sure do you run fast for having such a short little legs okay come on let's see why you're so upset oh well that's why you so sensitive poor little guys got an ear infection but I'm going to fix that right up your grandpa must be so happy that you're back oh he is so much so that he wants me to live at his house permanently he has no idea why I would want to get my own place that's sweet he's probably just lonely yeah you know I keep trying to convince him to adopt one of these dogs oh we should set him up with my brother after all he is Dan the dog man dan the dog man everyone's favorite matchmaker the canine connector yeah this way yeah no I already ran into him literally that's fast yeah hey how come you didn't tell him I was the new volunteer veterinarian oh I just you know wanted it to be a surprise why Oh she'll miss preschool all right what's the old ticker come here Wow I mean this is seriously probably the nicest shelter I've ever been in how do you for this oh we have a secret weapon a secret weapon you're gonna love this we have a genuine TV star that does a weekly segment on the news brings in a lot of donations Oh oh my goodness she is just the most adorable thing I've ever seen Oh Oh meet Cujo oh no I don't believe that that couldn't possibly be true her real name is Beasley and even Dan can't find a match for her let's go okay it's about to start about the start [Music] welcome to Friday's forever friend weekly segments I'm your secret weapon oh just wait we're live in 30 seconds where's our star I thought Dan was there oh yeah yes it's just she doesn't know it yet she mm-hmm right here makeup has to be right people Kristy waters the queen of mean I told you you'd love it ten seconds she was always posing for a camera even when there wasn't one even better hi everyone it's the end of the week and that means it's time to meet Fridays forever friend I'm here as always with Dan the dog man Landis the canine connector at the Forever Friends shelter where it's time is very cute I gotta tell you this guy his name is actually my sister Michelle and she named Bob's brother Stan so I think they might grow up to be accountants do you want to hold them of course you are the most gorgeous wittle guy ever Bob's here looking for someone who likes to play in that's good at throwing sticks if you're lucky enough to have Bob picked you then Bob's adoption will be easy and affordable and that's why we love to show all the folks at home Friday's for other friends I'll be back next week with Dan the dog man to introduce you to another lovable pooch looking for a forever home for Channel 7 News I'm Christy waters saying make man's best friend your best friend and clear can somebody take this please sure I got him my god wait she hates dogs and yeah it gets better I wish you wouldn't make me hold them like that how many times do I have to tell you sorry but it works you're lucky you are so damn cute what yeah hey Carly I'll take him Carly Monroe wow you're exactly the same so are you don't take that as a compliment so hi this is Christy waters seriously yes yes of course absolutely I'll be there thank you so much bye bye I'm going to New York you got the job I can't believe it it's actually happening oh my head is spinning if they want me welcome to the Christy show exactly well not right away all of you field reporter to start but not for long Oh New York City well congratulations thank you come on Dan the dog man we are going out to celebrate should I tell her the dog he made a messy on her shirt [Music] me grandpa Carly I think I burnt dinner why I love fern yeah well this is beyond burnt do you settle for a salad yeah how'd it go at the shelter wonderful house really great seeing Michelle again and I've missed her you know I saw Dan segment he's good isn't he yes fine yeah and and what I wasn't seeing him after all these years fine fine grandpa all right none of my business yeah this is happy you're back well I'm really happy to be back too maybe you could convince mom to move home tell your mom loves the Sun she's a snowbird forever yeah you're probably right all right what is it nothing I'm fine okay you know actually I'm gonna run upstairs and change really quick I'll be right back you know you don't have to find your own place you can stay here yeah hainan okay [Music] [Music] [Music] I haven't changed a bit Carly Monroe [Music] [Music] [Music] in Christine waters how does that even happen am I supposed to observe tear in the time-space continuum clearly but we don't even have anything in common she's still look just as pretentious as she was in high school and the fact that she hates dogs how is that even acceptable to him I mean I just I don't what you're still crushing on my brother aren't you uh-huh your face just turned shades of paint I don't do paint uh-huh really one shave at least I don't care about his well-being well the way you looked at him yesterday you know nothing to do with this ball game and the way he looks at Christine waters has nothing to do with mine we all guys look at Christine at hair Steve a beautiful face so so magical doesn't matter she is moving to a distant galaxy far far away and long distance relationships and distant galaxies never work you and Dan of all people should know that your timing is perfect my timing mm-hmm Michelle I did not move back here to be with Dan we're not in high school anymore like all still in high school doesn't matter you can deny it all you want but there's a reason why you in love got married I've kids all of that why why no it's not like that mm-hmm no dan and I we had something great and then we went off to college life happened you know I think it is I think it's just that I don't want to settle for anything less than how I felt for him and that's that's it that's all that's and the story but all stories that are good deserve a sequel so I am happy with my life do not meddle no I'm not phenomenally you you are a meddler you always meddle I gotta go do you want to come over tonight for dinner okay sure yeah hook up a little love pasta would you stop all right I'm going [Music] Hey oh great I see you dressed up for the occasion what occasion I'm in no no seven nothing's going on so I thought we would do my famous spinach pasta famous where everywhere hey kid ah using your old nicknames I see oh yeah no I just invited down because I figured to it barely had a chance to catch up sorry I didn't want to crash the party oh no I am I'm really happy to see you I just dressed up a bit for the occasion I'll be right back you two do your thing so Oh so are you here for good yeah yeah that's the plan you know assuming my grandfather actually ever retires Carly the veterinarian who would have thought hmm damn dog man who woulda thought well you started in me yeah when we were kids remember that puppy that got swept in the creek behind your house yeah and our poor thing gonna drown if you hadn't jumped in you mean if you hadn't pushed me in the dog yeah I've been saving him ever since yeah every Friday Friday thing that's kind of silly isn't it mm-hmm hey it works the truth is I kind of hate being on television really well I thought it was great you know you're a natural like your girlfriend oh yeah Kristi Wow she lives for it she always has it for it and I guess but you know what she helps raise a lot of money so oh that's really considerate of her since she seems to hate dogs hey it's a pretty strong word when it comes Kristi you haven't changed a bit I take that as a compliment if I were you well it was menses one for for what for plateless why for you didn't she wanted to come damn Kristi great thanks for coming hello everyone hey so sweet of you to do this I mean it's just dinner oh no it's not I mean we could have gone to a nice restaurant or something but this is very thoughtful and honestly unexpected I didn't think you'd approve mmm not that Dan needs your approval and I'm missing something um you haven't even told her tell me what well first I'm needed in New York sooner than expected we're moving at the end of the month oh you're moving at the end of the month no we asked together when that's not the big news the big news is we're getting married married I haven't had a chance to tell you yet we just decided this morning decided huh you're getting married yeah it's exciting huh married you can't move to New York of course he can I mean what about the shelter I'm gonna figure something out dan has bigger aspirations than running a dog shelter so do i I was supposed to go back to cosmetology school that was our agreement well our agreement was that if I got the network job and moved to New York and get married how romantic we can talk about this tomorrow you can't leave hey it's gonna be all right okay so what's for dinner I'm starved Bon Appetit [Music] he cannot leave he's going to marry her cannot happen she's so wrong for him he's going to be stuck with her for the rest of his life you have to change the mind oh come on you can't just change someone's mind about these things do you want him to marry her not exactly do you want the shelter to be shut down no of course not you trust me of course not we have 30 days to turn this disaster and the meddling begins no the countdown begins [Music] while your duck will be swimming again in no time mrs. Benn laughs hello thank you you're very sweet well that's because she takes after me your granddaughter has a nice disposition I don't know where she got that from very funny but nonetheless you're going to be in good hands when I retire you're never gonna retire Isaac you know that we'll take care now yeah she's right you know this was your calling I know that look what is it I'm fine I heard Dan was leaving getting married is he hmm word travels fast huh I don't think Dan in New York are a very good match dodea it's not really my business oh well I'm worried about the shelter you know he does great work there and there's a lot of dogs that wouldn't have homes if it wasn't for him that he realizes that it seemed make a mistake [Music] what is it Shido wants me to come in one of the dogs is having an emergency so I'll see you later you want me to go no it's okay I got it okay [Music] I've already been looking at places on the Upper East Side the whole wedding thing is another issue it's gonna meet everything I can do to keep my mother from taking over you know how she is well I know doesn't matter we will decide what we want I just could not believe this is really happening we're actually gonna be living in New York what am I gonna be doing there we'll find something for you sweetie look a whole new world of opportunities is gonna open up for both of us it's a big change Kristina Michelle she's not happy it's putting her under a lot of pressure too Michelle doesn't control your life what it's nothing I want you to be excited about this I am excited but I've got a lot of responsibilities here and you'll get it all figured out like you always do you have always been so supportive and I want you with me for a team and I love you [Music] right now it's Michelle something's wrong with one of the dogs can't she handle it I mean she might as well get used to handling things right it's beastly you know that nasty thing she's not nasty and I'm the only one that she trusts it's just a dog See Mom [Music] poor thing what's wrong with her it was the darndest thing I heard when purring and then I went to check in on her and she wasn't moving then like a miracle just popped right back to normal before Carly got here miracle huh she seems fine to me I would check her just to be sure take your time uh-huh I know how much Beasley means to you sorry hope didn't panic you yeah she wasn't breathing right like I said it was the darndest thing yeah he said that what were you doing here at this hour anyway well I have to take over the shelter so I have a lot of work to do right right I'm gonna let you two and [Music] well good thing she was here huh this is miracle yeah speaking of which what you seem to be the only the person Beasley's comfortable with oh really what's our history we don't know I found her in a ditch Oh I guess that's why she trusts me so much yep she definitely likes you oh yeah yeah oh wait um she's wondering if she can take you for a walk wait take me for a walk yeah well yes of course I would love that would you like to join us I'll have to ask oh I I said okay Beasley I think that's a yes definitely a yes yeah come on you [Music] so down the Dogman mr. expert matchmaker on these ways clearly chosen of who she wants to be with why am i adopted her it's complicated you do know it's complicated is a euphemism before it shouldn't have Vitas complicated right hey are you hungry these are so good always hungry we get to strawberry and chocolate crepes please what's a crepe space huh yep you definitely are the only other person besides me and she's comfortable with Oh at first now we get along don't we bees I think it's cuz you love dogs so much yeah well you and I have that in common yeah Christy and I don't thank you yeah but I mean why is that she has some kind of crazy allergy or what she just doesn't like dogs wait I'm sorry I'm just trying to comprehend she she doesn't like dogs at all apparently when she was a little girl she got bit I just think that's an excuse you know I wonder sometimes whether she just doesn't like that I get more attention with dogs than her jealous of the rescue animals it's just a theory okay we thought never being able to have a dog it's a relationship right it's about compromise no compromises about meeting in the middle I'm seeing about 90 tiny here Dan sorry she's your fiancee do I detect a little bit of sarcasm Carly Monroe I wasn't going for a little that's right you haven't changed a bit Wow how else are you gonna know that I will that I am sincere so how'd you end up with Christie waters I mean laurels biggest dog lover the world's biggest dog eater she didn't exactly spell it out when we first started dating so she lied to you she didn't exactly lie to me come on classic bait-and-switch sorry I can't help it hey don't be sorry all right I really appreciate that you're honest with me but if you really want to know the truth Friday friend thing that was all Christie's idea she made it happen I was allowed to do what I love save the shelter and a lot of animals so no I owe word for that doesn't you mean you love her for that come on and we Leo bankers and lawyers month fiancees you just don't know where the way that I know her no but I do know you come on I'm just looking out for you kid thanks kid well you know I might take Beasley home with me tonight it really helps to Chico Tom and I just live around the corner yeah well I gotta I gotta go back to the shelter or grab a few things I'll close up for you Thanks [Music] Beasley come on oh hey thanks Easley for the walk I will hey Carly yeah thank you for the watch you're welcome [Music] oh hey there I know what we need - mm-hmm what's your next brilliant plan you me it's pretty obvious the way down looked at you last night he lit up like a Firefly not to mention you absolutely glow around him I don't blow point is he's crushing on you - please he just doesn't know it yeah no come on that ship has sailed with the wind at Christy's back all right Nan's never gonna see me the way that he sees Christie and I mean that literally so you agreed agreed of what you need a tune-up what am i a car a makeover you know how men are they're visual you just have to bait the hook a little bait the hook if you want him back you have to WoW him you're insane insanity is the mother of invention necessity is the mother of invention exactly listen if Dan's not gonna be with Christie then he needs to figure that out on his own okay not because of your swatting well some things take plotting no no I am NOT going to be the the bait to your scheming hook then he's gonna be gone well then he was meant to go no this is not the time for your it's the way of the universe reasoning you know desperate times call for dead words for you no way ah that's four words anyways you have to trust me on this I don't trust you on anything listen I have a ton of patients in the morning so I'm gonna need you to go all right I just got here I think you need to go find somewhere else to metal oh I don't metal [Music] I'm really sorry I haven't been able to make a decision yet then well you don't choose the doc misses me I know that but it still has to be mutual right I just haven't felt that connection mm-hmm so are you getting tired of setting up all of my interviews Hey not at all okay when you know you'll know and so will he or she it's it's a lot like falling in love you can't control it it controls you are you an expert that falling in love far from it well is anyone actually yes my husband was and I was very lucky in that way I miss him and I guess that's why I'm looking for a friend well then let's make sure we find you the right match shall we [Music] [Music] Michelle countdown is on [Music] beginning of every regret you know mish-mosh hi dr. Monroe hey Michelle what are you two up to saving the world one makeover at a time now see it's a shelter later I'm gonna get a dog hey just so you know I still think this is crazy right I'm only doing this for you I know we just have to change something and some things things everything the glasses the hair you wear no makeup please be honest you said yourself Dan still considers you his high school sweetheart I mean this is Christy waters we're dealing with so if you want him to see you as something else you have to become something else what was the last time you went shopping senior year of high school come on shiny I don't care about stuff like that it's not like come on I like my clothes well I got my license in that no no I got my braces off in that it was a really big day it's cute okay I've student loans to pay off and I have a credit card [Music] Valiant [Music] let it down that anymore [Music] [Applause] I am we loving it maybe a little about the glasses what nope Michelle I can't see without those well it's important is the dancies we want him to see everything can you handle it I could try [Music] hey Dan dr. Monroe right on time you said you had someone in mind yes sir a new friend that just moved in I was telling him about you he'd like to meet let's do it all right it's back here so Prince here is interested in the new companion and he'd like to take you for a walk dr. Monroe I'm glad to hear it thanks Megan thank you all right so just be yourself don't try to impress dogs see truth I've been event for over 50 years Diane I think I talk to you then that's right you did oh wait whoa I already had an appointment with Prince he's already Requested in walk with me you told me noon I'm afraid I did mrs. Gilbert I am so sorry for the mix-up there are other dogs do you have any idea how long it has taken me to find a dog that I cut back wait Prince might have a solution he'd like to take both of you for a walk that's okay all right was it I suppose where should we go there's a nice little trail right around the corner well I think Prince would like that it does [Music] [Music] I'll take it first really all right I suggest you both be on your best behavior Prince here is very particular and frowns on anything but happy thoughts understood understood thank you take some time know get to know each other [Music] [Music] well that's highly alright that can't be Carly I think it is indeed it is scaled you're taller than I am hey hey what's we could get him get up that's just me being me I am inside and take care of the animals that I love what's going on she looks amazing right hmm she's doing so good okay you look fantastic he's coming act natural it's just straight ahead yeah I'm fine honestly where are your glasses in my murse why because I got contacts and they just they're not gonna arrive for a few more days huh well shouldn't you just wear your glasses in the meantime um no no because they're a different prescription and stronger one and well in my my glasses are in my purse or just in my car why did she get all dressed up well if I have to answer that you really don't get it do you did what it it oh to be young again not me I like being old except for my knee I had to give up my golf I'm past all that nonsense and courtship trying to impress someone I'm good yeah are you okay yes yeah so who is our patient here huh Beasley hey hey um recognize me Carly maybe if you pulled your hair back she could see your face better right my hair ties are in my purse your purse is in your car right here ever been oh all right oh okay [Music] Thanks wow you look nice I haven't seen you this dressed up since prom oh I just uh you know I thought I'd switch things up a little so um here ah okay let's see your pretty smile there we go Oh Vincent happy doc hey that's good [Music] I know I used to bring my charlie to you you know I thought you looked familiar Shepard right yeah yeah I Met Your Wife once and what was her name Claire I have a widow where now I'm sorry it's all right you've in a while and your husband you used to bring Charlie indices you know he's passed away as well it's been a few minutes oh listen I'm sorry we got off on the wrong foot today it's just that this is the first dog I've actually felt a connection don't think it's your turn to take the reins well I should get to know him a little better huh come on French huh buddy [Music] what was that totally my bad I talked her into it change things up a little why yeah I love you but you really are a clueless [Music] [Music] [Music] way to go Carly Monroe you just ruined any chance you had [Music] [Music] dr. Monroe hey hello Dan I'm here to give Prince a walk again yeah if that's okay yeah of course are you expecting someone no would have expected no one princess in the back you have you have you talked to Carly since the whole you know no no I tried calling her but she hasn't called me back why well if I have to answer that then you know get it there you can't what it it that's what I said uh-huh look I think Carly's trying to impress you impress me why you're asking the wrong person you might want to go see her all right what Prince oh I forgot mrs. Gilbert is walking Prince today would it be all right if you shared him again oh yeah yeah sure it's okay seems only fair two days in a row you too well Prince can't seem to quite make up his mind yeah he's a little torn and we don't want to put any pressure on it's no rush well that's very thoughtful shall we dr. Monroe Oh [Music] and you did not forget I was coming in I have no idea what you're talking about mrs. Joey yes you do okay well think so let me ask you something Emma the sprinkles here have a sweet tooth she definitely oh I bet she does but I don't think chocolate likes her very much [Music] that's chocolate did you give her exactly test solano ah best god I think the sprinkles kind of like your little sister I mean she can only eat what she's supposed to okay you wouldn't stuff your little sister full of chocolate now would you maybe oh well next time how about you just share your chocolate with me instead okay okay good thank you doctor sure let me know she breaks into another stash will do bye Emma hi hey why I hardly recognized you with your contacts in all very funny peace offering come on I'm the one who should be offering peace terms I'm so embarrassed don't be embarrassed we've all worn the wrong heels at the wrong occasion haha bag lunch just like old times mmm mmm I don't know is it peanut butter and jelly of course okay I accept your terms excellent man I don't think I've had a PB&J since high school last time for me was right here with you nicely done hey Monroe five bucks says she can't hit that shot come on I'm not that unathletic okay thank you make it ten okay no pressure [Music] lucky shot I'm fat I forgot my wallet you're such a liar don't be a Squatch oh hello mr. Hamilton nice to meet you let's go I like to shot [Music] so did I make a total fool of myself or just sort of oh no no it was miss total come on but I know why you did it I think and I know that my sister put you up to it playing matchmaker so maybe I wouldn't move exactly I have to twist my arm why exactly did you do it it doesn't really matter I just hate seeing you forced into a decision you don't want to make and that's it that's your only more I guess I thought maybe for a minute that if I was as pretty as Christie then maybe you would have second thoughts it was stupid yeah it was come on you don't have to beat that on it so I mean that you think that that's all that I care about is how Christie looks for job her fame and I'll let you in on a little secret you don't need all those things to be prettier than Christine the part where you pass me a note you asked me to be your girlfriend and tell me to circle yes or no I'm being serious then don't tease me I'm not Carly you are beautiful inside and out glasses or no glasses the truth is seeing you again it just brought me right back to us listen I just I got caught up in the moment and I was silly and over it over it over it it really makes it me wish I never went away to college make regrets out of the choices you made but you don't think it was a mistake that we both left no because it was a mistake then it invalidates every choice we've ever made did I think about you yes that I sometimes wonder what might have been yes what's your damn the dog man your path took you here and there world's a better place because men and I followed my dreams and then I'm a veterinarian and the world is a better place because of that too everything happens the way it's supposed to so no regrets [Music] you still believe in all that all of it I think I'm making a mistake now oh you're making that choice damn tell me a mistake if it's not your own hey Michelle yeah what time is it ya know be right there come on took the time I've been calling and calling sorry my phone died where were you having lunch with her it's 4 o'clock Dan no I lost track of time listen it was my fault I was enjoying his company I'm sure you were while you two were out gallivanting no one here can make a decision they don't know what dog you want a feature we just didn't know which dog was already to be matched yet we have no dog for the segment and we go on air in 3 minutes speckles ok no sushi get sushi oh I'll get him Go Go what catching up on old times yeah I don't like the way she speaks to me or looks at me she probably feels the same way oh so it's my fault we need a dog now come on Prince Derek that one no that one's not a production excuse me we're gonna need to borrow this dog for what Friday's friend segment sort of have an emergency situation 30 seconds this is our ease you're gonna have to find another dog you'll find another dog no we are about to go the hive a prince already made his decision which one of us did he think seriously I think you both know the answer that Dan you're a very rude young lady excuse me I got it Oh Carly to the rescue I hope so for Channel 7 News I'm Kristy waters with dan the dog man saying make man's best friend your best friend and clear great job thank you and my apologies just don't think any of you realize the pressure of performing on live TV I get some water please oh how does the extended interview process going Prince that's what my grandpa tells me to so you must be mrs. Gilbert I am it's really nice to meet you nice to meet you too and thank you Dan it wouldn't be fair if someone else got their hopes up for this one well I know a good match when I see one excuse me everyone I have an announcement to make a surprise for the man I love Dan the dog man here we go I know I have been totally wrapped up in my new job and I'm sorry for that but yesterday I called the network and told them I needed a big favor and I am proud to announce that you dan Landis will be the New York Regional Executive Director for the National Dog Rescue Association what yes right in the heart of New York everything you're doing here but on an entirely different level are you soon yes of course I'm serious I don't know what to say how about thank you thank you I knew you'd be happy yeah yeah definitely I'm gonna go get out of this makeup looks like another celebration is in order okay [Music] I honestly can say I didn't see that coming here that's kind of surprises huh yeah congratulations you deserve it Thanks sure well I guess that's that then my daddy ever credit her timing is impeccable hmm I know I go on and on about the shelter but he's my brother and I kind of like having him there I got used to it so you're just giving up yeah I mean Dan just let his dream job our little plan backfired we have the white flag I'm not have an idea talk to me only problem is I still have feelings for Dan or is it simply a transference of memories there you do think that again we have to understand something Michelle we don't remember past relationships based on fact who remember them based on feelings you know just grasp onto something that can never be recreated and by romanticizing certain experiences we simply make our present fulfillment why I've seen worse than it actually is come again have to make sure that I've done the right thing very fine we have less than a week what's your plan okay so Dan's main concern about leaving is the welfare of the dogs right right seems to be a case so what if we have an adoption fair I mean forget about adopting one dog what do we find homes for all of them for Dan leaves that's great the dogs yay but what about you and down and keeping him here I mean that's just gonna make him happy that easily well not necessarily I mean if it'll make him realize what wonderful work he's doing here and you know what I've been walking away from the chance to spend some more time together really use some more time uh-huh dick events down for you both I see there we go just keep an eye on him you'll be okay [Music] [Music] you didn't steal him did you why stole him actually I thought maybe you might like to take him for a walk on your own property give me a chance to see if he likes it here or not before he makes his decision good idea I'll be right with you [Music] you think Prince would like it here I think he'd love it you know if I did adopt him you could come and visited many time oh well I mean we got to do what's right for the dog you know your flowers are so beautiful did you plan all these yourself it's become somewhat of a hobby you decided to retire you're gonna need a hobby not if Carly's more than capable my patience will be in good hands you know she is so lovely and it's just a shame that Dan's moving away because the two of them are in love they seem to be the only two they don't know it I think they do they just don't know how to say I hope they figure it out shame if they don't [Music] I think it's perfect you think we can get it organized in a week we can do it yeah we can do it was just um you know pass out some flyers hang out some posters and you know we'll make it an event what are we gonna hold it well it shouldn't be here it should be someplace people would normally take their dogs right how about long late work you know we could set up a walking area do a meet and greet have some fun we could do an interview room I love it great oh and I thought a banner that says countdown to love just to remind people that dogs are more than just pets oh hey bees you doing okay huh countdown the love yeah let's just call it what it is okay yeah let's do it [Music] Hey I just really want you to know I really appreciate everything you're doing and shoot sorry hey what's up because if I'm gonna work for them I'm here okay yeah sure see you soon I'm gonna have to catch up with you I gotta go help Christy pack yeah I gotta give Beasley another checkup anyway it's just so amazing how she has taken to you yeah she just needed a little more time it's amazing how much she loves dogs I mean she's a real dog person what I'm just saying right we'll see you there so I've got all the shelter volunteers on board with helping with the event local media is gonna promote it and they are eating up hand on the love idea it's great what next banners so I'm gonna head to the local print shop oh and tomorrow we have to work on getting all these critters cleaned up so can you get some supplies for that I'm already on it great I'll see you tomorrow Forever Friends rescue shelter Michelle speaking [Music] Oh Carly Oh ha hey miss Gilbert Rita came over to discuss Prince Oh Mina we were just talking I'm just talking about discussing French clearly come sit down actually we made a decision about Perez and who gets to adopt him dan seems to think he likes both of us equally I see and after careful consideration we decided that we would we both actually like to spend a lot more time with him actually but as much time as possible okay and the only logical way to do that is if we both adopted very logical yeah which means we would be spending a lot of time together well I think that's great you do really yeah of course I did why I know you both deserve a friend well it's mostly about Prince definitely and it's very noble oh by the way you know I saw a cute little apartment were very happy just down the street okay I'll look into it I think okay you don't think this is moving a little fast to you for prints well in our age we have to move fast well have a good night [Music] so you know I just so close with my grandfather and I just thought that it made sense for me to want to become a better team you know ya know it's been so good today too [Music] got em clean nobody likes a smelly dog do they [Music] no I was thinking mm-hmm Beasley here and you know that I'm a good matchmaker oh yeah the best a legend what are they calling in these parts the canine connect well that's one of them anyhow I was thinking that I should adopt Beasley well actually that Beasley should adopt you but yeah right you're the only other person that she trusts and I'm not holding onto a lot of hope that that's gonna change after the adoption fair I'm just really worried about what's gonna happen to her after I leave Beasley he's great but she belongs with you yeah it's not negotiable it's pretty amazing to me how you can be so good at matching dogs to people and even people to other people what do you mean my grandfather hasn't been this happy in years very cleverly done by the way it was a layup yeah but still you did that and you do it every day but somehow you really have no talent for matching yourself to others do you you know every discussion we have is about my choices and my decisions what about you why can't you tell me how you really feel okay don't go to New York that's how I feel no that's what you think I don't you want me to go into New York come on because damn Wow her timing is impeccable so is yours Vickers you two would being a dog-friendly cafe are you having another stroll down memory lane we were just discussing my future in New York how much I'm gonna miss Beasley Beasley yeah easily well thanks to me Beasley will more than likely have a new home by tomorrow I spoke with my station manager they've agreed to do live updates from the adoption fair throughout the day sort of an extension of the Friday friend segment there won't be a single dog left with that kind of exposure and then there will be nothing holding Dan back exactly you know Christie you have an uncanny ability of doing other people favors that somehow managed to serve you more than anyone thank you Dan for having dinner with my parents remember are you coming with me are you yeah yeah and then you just set that to him just like that yep then what happened he seemed really upset really and then what happened nothing clean mean showed up just in time to bail him out you're so close I'm not sorry I can hear you it was so loud what would you say go ahead all right it's no sauce only we had a few more days he almost didn't get into our car and tell him again profess your love to him I can't do that why not because you can't just convince someone to fall in love with you you are so stubborn you don't have to convince him he loves you you know he does know it's it's really it's not too late look he made his choice I saw that today so let's just do the adoption fair tomorrow and then we'll just get on with our lives ice cream ice cream always helps yeah I'm so many flavors right now stock freezer yeah of course you two seem to be hitting it off quite nicely huh Oh Beasley yeah pretty sure she has her heart set on someone else yeah I've been watching watching while not spying that's why I watch I observe I was a teacher it taught me a lot about human nature I used to see these kids they would they'd have crushes on each other but they'd never say anything about it and I think they were too embarrassed but yet they always seem to find some reason to interact like walking the same dog mrs. Gilbert yeah I think I've been playing along quite nicely don't you oh yes very very nicely I mean men are clueless sometimes I mean that in the most loving way it's really quite sweet and then of course there's Dan he's so proud of his matchmaking skills and I don't want him to be disappointed but I did kind of make sure that I was at the shelter of a second time your grandfather came to walk the dog grandpa's kind of hot mrs. Gilbert no seriously stop you know women don't pick up on things the way we do dan that's why I had to play along you know and just to act like I didn't know it was more than Prince he wanted to take a walk with soon you're on dinner of course I am she doesn't realize that don't tell her I don't wanna embarrass her dr. Munro insisting all dog can learn new tricks who says I'm an old dog I'm just so obvious how you two feel about each other just say it your grandfather is telling me everything I need to know without ever saying a word sometimes you need to say where it's mrs. Colburn sometimes you need to hear him this isn't a dress rehearsal it's our life you see that on a pillow or a sign a sign actually look the point is the two of you didn't just find the perfect dog you you found each other seize the day I remember I guess I should be taking my own advice hey you said it not me you want me to tell her how I feel dr. Monroe women they want to hear what's in your heart you don't want her to meet another dog start taking him for a walk no I suppose not so I think we're finished here that's two let's go find Princeton we'll take him for a walk great [Music] did you say I haven't told you how I felt oh yeah oh yeah thank the clue in fingers crossed I'm so happy for them me too no it's funny I I know mrs. Gilbert has more life experience than I do but I think I was able to give her some really good advice yeah me too how big flew in you keep saying that oh [Music] I gotta get back to the shelter so yeah I have some appointments thank you again for all of this yeah of course yes I'll see you tomorrow tomorrow [Music] [Music] that way we're gonna have a great turnout tomorrow yeah you know I didn't actually think we could pull this off yeah so you all packed up ready to go look I know what you're upset that I'm going and I'm leaving it with the shelter right no I I'm not anymore I mean I I mean it I just don't want you to be stressed out anymore yeah I just want you to know that the shelter is in good hands I just hope that you are I guess that's the million-dollar question hey are you sure you don't know the answer that may be Carly coming home brought back a lot of memories a lot of feelings good ones and then suddenly I have to move and give up the shelter that I worked so hard to build make decisions on the rest of my life I'm feeling torn I can't help but wonder if the feelings that I have for Carly or just the transference of how I used to feel and maybe it's the same for her and she just doesn't realize it yet Wow you both are seriously attached to the ring look you know you don't need any more advice especially from me I mean you're my brother I love you no matter what you decide I'm gonna support you but I will say this sometimes it's not a decision how so sometimes the universe decides these things for us I just hope that you'll be awake enough to get the proof brother [Music] [Music] [Music] why don't we go take a look at the one you want we're gonna run out of Dodge before we run out of people I know suffer Beasley keeps growling at everyone well I thought Dan wanted you to adopt Easley he does but I just can't right now you know I don't know where I'm gonna live and besides she'll just remind you of Dan stay better huh no one let's go see how the adoptions are doing so remember if you've ever thought about being adopted by a dog today is your day come on down right now to Long Lake Park and check out all these canine cuties and I'll be there to make sure they find their perfect match you cuz that's what Dan the dog man does come see him while you still can because tomorrow we'll be taking off for New York New York keep watching we'll be back with one last live update soon and we have officially been adopted and it's great the both of you well well officially it's in Rita's name but I get visitation rights it's joint custody great event Carly should be proud of yourself at thanks grandpa we're going to dinner later at the grill house I can't you join us no actually I need to stay back and help my shot clean up but why don't you two or three enjoy yourselves see ya house yep bye Oh cute are they they're adorable so glad we finally figured it out hey I can't even begin to tell you how amazing this is yeah I didn't think this many people would turn out one of the things I'm gonna do when I get to New York is sponsor events like this throughout the country I mean people don't need to go to pet stores there are so many shelters with animals just waiting for someone to give them a home I think it's a great idea you know Dan actually I'm pretty worried about Beasley you know she's been really agitated she's snarling at everyone maybe we should keep her with one of us yeah Hey want to get easily here babies it's fresh air and sunshine huh see you're good match yeah finally it's about my job I've been calling and calling and they're only now just getting back to me Dan here how's it going well we continued to talk in metaphors I don't have time for metaphor us used to talk to Joe in the song it's about his job well he doesn't look happy where is Dan we are about to go live he's over there Oh what why uh be right back thank you we're on there in three minutes babe that was my new boss Oh regional executive director that job is filth and it's not vacating anytime soon they want me on as a volunteer okay I know how this sounds I may have made a slight error in my choice of words choice of words you said I was going to be the regional executive director which is true it's a matter of semantics once you get in there once you wow them they'll go right to the top what I said is you will be the regional executive director one day he looks pretty upset hmm you manipulated me I had to do something otherwise you wouldn't come with me look I am doing you a favor by getting you out of this stupid hick town by lying to me well I'm not the only one who lied to you are you talking about Carly yes she's been lying to you for weeks I think I just heard your name my name yeah come on anyone could see right through it the way she's been playing you trying to make you think she's still in love with you just so you would stay and nothing would happen to these precious dogs she wasn't playing me let's see it worked how bad the last time I saw Christy this worked up was when that five year old crashed her live shot she threw an ice cream cone at him I don't know what we're gonna do oh you you're on what do you mean I'm on we're going live unless you want to go deal with that now I don't you what no you're cute here do it for the dogs okay you're already holding one you're a vet right yeah just look at the camera smile you'll be fine and in five four your life hi everyone I'm Carly I'm a veterinarian who volunteers at the Forever Friends shelter Christi and Dan are currently predisposed with some other dog business she doesn't even like that dog I'm sorry that dog you're so in love with it hates everyone Carly adores Beasley please nobody adores Beasley Carly's just telling you what you want to hear look she comes back after all these years expects you to drop everything for her who's manipulating who hmm [Music] hey listen we just wanted to thank everyone for making this such a successful event and for you folks at home you better hurry up and get down here before your potential forever friend gets messed up by someone else I thought we were a team what is she doing it's live anyway there's still one very special dog that hasn't found someone to love yet her name is Beasley see dogs are special all the animals are special but there's just something about the unconditional love of a dog that makes the world a better place and they're a lot like us some are tall some are short some are less friendly than others [Music] and some are more trusting caring like us they just want to be loved just want someone to come home to you to know that they have someone who will greet them to know that they have a friend sometimes they actually do wish that things turned out differently despite what they may have said or barked and the thing about Beasley here is that she's independent and I think sometimes she worries that she'll lose that so she tends to withdraw and close herself off but she only does it because she's scared she's scared that all those things that I just talked about that she wants to just like everybody else but she'll never have them I don't think that she needs to be afraid anymore because her path brought her here so this exact moment and there's nowhere else she'd rather be those of you who know Dan the dog man know what he says but we don't choose the dog the dog chooses us see I got up here today to help find this girl a new home but truth is I can't do that because Easley chose Diane she really wants him to stay because she loves him [Music] say goodbye by and we're clear oh my gosh that was so good really maybe the job does belong with you and Carly yeah she does goodbye Dan goodbye Christine good luck in New York [Music] hi please stuck out in New York I'm not going to I wouldn't do that to be Slee I wouldn't do that to you Carly I love you I always have I always will [Music] Kate Mitchell is a successful publisher I really need this vacation when you close my eyes all I see are numbers and this summer which one over to vacation you want to come on a little adventure the most tourists never concealer will change the story of her life Tricia Helfer before Campbell in an all-new original movie window it's part of summer nights premieres next Saturday at 9:00 on Hallmark Channel

[Music] laughter [Music] I'm a nice vet so then do you think today will be the day well there's no way to predict match with any degree of certainty missus Cal rectify the day will come I promise you that all right well let's meet these new candidates well you're the candidate mrs. Gilbert the dogs need to meet you of course [Music] excuse me fugitive on the loose yeah hi responds the name of Rocco apparently Carly dan hi I didn't know you were in town yeah last week I'm taking over my grandpa's clinic your sister wrote me and said you guys needed some help but um since I've lost my first patient already not yet apparently oh sorry um friend I used to be are you ready for your interview yeah [Music] hey there little guy Oh get used to it for clever especially this little guy thanks Michelle man you sure do you run fast for having such a short little legs okay come on let's see why you're so upset oh well that's why you so sensitive poor little guys got an ear infection but I'm going to fix that right up your grandpa must be so happy that you're back oh he is so much so that he wants me to live at his house permanently he has no idea why I would want to get my own place that's sweet he's probably just lonely yeah you know I keep trying to convince him to adopt one of these dogs oh we should set him up with my brother after all he is Dan the dog man dan the dog man everyone's favorite matchmaker the canine connector yeah this way yeah no I already ran into him literally that's fast yeah hey how come you didn't tell him I was the new volunteer veterinarian oh I just you know wanted it to be a surprise why Oh she'll miss preschool all right what's the old ticker come here Wow I mean this is seriously probably the nicest shelter I've ever been in how do you for this oh we have a secret weapon a secret weapon you're gonna love this we have a genuine TV star that does a weekly segment on the news brings in a lot of donations Oh oh my goodness she is just the most adorable thing I've ever seen Oh Oh meet Cujo oh no I don't believe that that couldn't possibly be true her real name is Beasley and even Dan can't find a match for her let's go okay it's about to start about the start [Music] welcome to Friday's forever friend weekly segments I'm your secret weapon oh just wait we're live in 30 seconds where's our star I thought Dan was there oh yeah yes it's just she doesn't know it yet she mm-hmm right here makeup has to be right people Kristy waters the queen of mean I told you you'd love it ten seconds she was always posing for a camera even when there wasn't one even better hi everyone it's the end of the week and that means it's time to meet Fridays forever friend I'm here as always with Dan the dog man Landis the canine connector at the Forever Friends shelter where it's time is very cute I gotta tell you this guy his name is actually my sister Michelle and she named Bob's brother Stan so I think they might grow up to be accountants do you want to hold them of course you are the most gorgeous wittle guy ever Bob's here looking for someone who likes to play in that's good at throwing sticks if you're lucky enough to have Bob picked you then Bob's adoption will be easy and affordable and that's why we love to show all the folks at home Friday's for other friends I'll be back next week with Dan the dog man to introduce you to another lovable pooch looking for a forever home for Channel 7 News I'm Christy waters saying make man's best friend your best friend and clear can somebody take this please sure I got him my god wait she hates dogs and yeah it gets better I wish you wouldn't make me hold them like that how many times do I have to tell you sorry but it works you're lucky you are so damn cute what yeah hey Carly I'll take him Carly Monroe wow you're exactly the same so are you don't take that as a compliment so hi this is Christy waters seriously yes yes of course absolutely I'll be there thank you so much bye bye I'm going to New York you got the job I can't believe it it's actually happening oh my head is spinning if they want me welcome to the Christy show exactly well not right away all of you field reporter to start but not for long Oh New York City well congratulations thank you come on Dan the dog man we are going out to celebrate should I tell her the dog he made a messy on her shirt [Music] me grandpa Carly I think I burnt dinner why I love fern yeah well this is beyond burnt do you settle for a salad yeah how'd it go at the shelter wonderful house really great seeing Michelle again and I've missed her you know I saw Dan segment he's good isn't he yes fine yeah and and what I wasn't seeing him after all these years fine fine grandpa all right none of my business yeah this is happy you're back well I'm really happy to be back too maybe you could convince mom to move home tell your mom loves the Sun she's a snowbird forever yeah you're probably right all right what is it nothing I'm fine okay you know actually I'm gonna run upstairs and change really quick I'll be right back you know you don't have to find your own place you can stay here yeah hainan okay [Music] [Music] [Music] I haven't changed a bit Carly Monroe [Music] [Music] [Music] in Christine waters how does that even happen am I supposed to observe tear in the time-space continuum clearly but we don't even have anything in common she's still look just as pretentious as she was in high school and the fact that she hates dogs how is that even acceptable to him I mean I just I don't what you're still crushing on my brother aren't you uh-huh your face just turned shades of paint I don't do paint uh-huh really one shave at least I don't care about his well-being well the way you looked at him yesterday you know nothing to do with this ball game and the way he looks at Christine waters has nothing to do with mine we all guys look at Christine at hair Steve a beautiful face so so magical doesn't matter she is moving to a distant galaxy far far away and long distance relationships and distant galaxies never work you and Dan of all people should know that your timing is perfect my timing mm-hmm Michelle I did not move back here to be with Dan we're not in high school anymore like all still in high school doesn't matter you can deny it all you want but there's a reason why you in love got married I've kids all of that why why no it's not like that mm-hmm no dan and I we had something great and then we went off to college life happened you know I think it is I think it's just that I don't want to settle for anything less than how I felt for him and that's that's it that's all that's and the story but all stories that are good deserve a sequel so I am happy with my life do not meddle no I'm not phenomenally you you are a meddler you always meddle I gotta go do you want to come over tonight for dinner okay sure yeah hook up a little love pasta would you stop all right I'm going [Music] Hey oh great I see you dressed up for the occasion what occasion I'm in no no seven nothing's going on so I thought we would do my famous spinach pasta famous where everywhere hey kid ah using your old nicknames I see oh yeah no I just invited down because I figured to it barely had a chance to catch up sorry I didn't want to crash the party oh no I am I'm really happy to see you I just dressed up a bit for the occasion I'll be right back you two do your thing so Oh so are you here for good yeah yeah that's the plan you know assuming my grandfather actually ever retires Carly the veterinarian who would have thought hmm damn dog man who woulda thought well you started in me yeah when we were kids remember that puppy that got swept in the creek behind your house yeah and our poor thing gonna drown if you hadn't jumped in you mean if you hadn't pushed me in the dog yeah I've been saving him ever since yeah every Friday Friday thing that's kind of silly isn't it mm-hmm hey it works the truth is I kind of hate being on television really well I thought it was great you know you're a natural like your girlfriend oh yeah Kristi Wow she lives for it she always has it for it and I guess but you know what she helps raise a lot of money so oh that's really considerate of her since she seems to hate dogs hey it's a pretty strong word when it comes Kristi you haven't changed a bit I take that as a compliment if I were you well it was menses one for for what for plateless why for you didn't she wanted to come damn Kristi great thanks for coming hello everyone hey so sweet of you to do this I mean it's just dinner oh no it's not I mean we could have gone to a nice restaurant or something but this is very thoughtful and honestly unexpected I didn't think you'd approve mmm not that Dan needs your approval and I'm missing something um you haven't even told her tell me what well first I'm needed in New York sooner than expected we're moving at the end of the month oh you're moving at the end of the month no we asked together when that's not the big news the big news is we're getting married married I haven't had a chance to tell you yet we just decided this morning decided huh you're getting married yeah it's exciting huh married you can't move to New York of course he can I mean what about the shelter I'm gonna figure something out dan has bigger aspirations than running a dog shelter so do i I was supposed to go back to cosmetology school that was our agreement well our agreement was that if I got the network job and moved to New York and get married how romantic we can talk about this tomorrow you can't leave hey it's gonna be all right okay so what's for dinner I'm starved Bon Appetit [Music] he cannot leave he's going to marry her cannot happen she's so wrong for him he's going to be stuck with her for the rest of his life you have to change the mind oh come on you can't just change someone's mind about these things do you want him to marry her not exactly do you want the shelter to be shut down no of course not you trust me of course not we have 30 days to turn this disaster and the meddling begins no the countdown begins [Music] while your duck will be swimming again in no time mrs. Benn laughs hello thank you you're very sweet well that's because she takes after me your granddaughter has a nice disposition I don't know where she got that from very funny but nonetheless you're going to be in good hands when I retire you're never gonna retire Isaac you know that we'll take care now yeah she's right you know this was your calling I know that look what is it I'm fine I heard Dan was leaving getting married is he hmm word travels fast huh I don't think Dan in New York are a very good match dodea it's not really my business oh well I'm worried about the shelter you know he does great work there and there's a lot of dogs that wouldn't have homes if it wasn't for him that he realizes that it seemed make a mistake [Music] what is it Shido wants me to come in one of the dogs is having an emergency so I'll see you later you want me to go no it's okay I got it okay [Music] I've already been looking at places on the Upper East Side the whole wedding thing is another issue it's gonna meet everything I can do to keep my mother from taking over you know how she is well I know doesn't matter we will decide what we want I just could not believe this is really happening we're actually gonna be living in New York what am I gonna be doing there we'll find something for you sweetie look a whole new world of opportunities is gonna open up for both of us it's a big change Kristina Michelle she's not happy it's putting her under a lot of pressure too Michelle doesn't control your life what it's nothing I want you to be excited about this I am excited but I've got a lot of responsibilities here and you'll get it all figured out like you always do you have always been so supportive and I want you with me for a team and I love you [Music] right now it's Michelle something's wrong with one of the dogs can't she handle it I mean she might as well get used to handling things right it's beastly you know that nasty thing she's not nasty and I'm the only one that she trusts it's just a dog See Mom [Music] poor thing what's wrong with her it was the darndest thing I heard when purring and then I went to check in on her and she wasn't moving then like a miracle just popped right back to normal before Carly got here miracle huh she seems fine to me I would check her just to be sure take your time uh-huh I know how much Beasley means to you sorry hope didn't panic you yeah she wasn't breathing right like I said it was the darndest thing yeah he said that what were you doing here at this hour anyway well I have to take over the shelter so I have a lot of work to do right right I'm gonna let you two and [Music] well good thing she was here huh this is miracle yeah speaking of which what you seem to be the only the person Beasley's comfortable with oh really what's our history we don't know I found her in a ditch Oh I guess that's why she trusts me so much yep she definitely likes you oh yeah yeah oh wait um she's wondering if she can take you for a walk wait take me for a walk yeah well yes of course I would love that would you like to join us I'll have to ask oh I I said okay Beasley I think that's a yes definitely a yes yeah come on you [Music] so down the Dogman mr. expert matchmaker on these ways clearly chosen of who she wants to be with why am i adopted her it's complicated you do know it's complicated is a euphemism before it shouldn't have Vitas complicated right hey are you hungry these are so good always hungry we get to strawberry and chocolate crepes please what's a crepe space huh yep you definitely are the only other person besides me and she's comfortable with Oh at first now we get along don't we bees I think it's cuz you love dogs so much yeah well you and I have that in common yeah Christy and I don't thank you yeah but I mean why is that she has some kind of crazy allergy or what she just doesn't like dogs wait I'm sorry I'm just trying to comprehend she she doesn't like dogs at all apparently when she was a little girl she got bit I just think that's an excuse you know I wonder sometimes whether she just doesn't like that I get more attention with dogs than her jealous of the rescue animals it's just a theory okay we thought never being able to have a dog it's a relationship right it's about compromise no compromises about meeting in the middle I'm seeing about 90 tiny here Dan sorry she's your fiancee do I detect a little bit of sarcasm Carly Monroe I wasn't going for a little that's right you haven't changed a bit Wow how else are you gonna know that I will that I am sincere so how'd you end up with Christie waters I mean laurels biggest dog lover the world's biggest dog eater she didn't exactly spell it out when we first started dating so she lied to you she didn't exactly lie to me come on classic bait-and-switch sorry I can't help it hey don't be sorry all right I really appreciate that you're honest with me but if you really want to know the truth Friday friend thing that was all Christie's idea she made it happen I was allowed to do what I love save the shelter and a lot of animals so no I owe word for that doesn't you mean you love her for that come on and we Leo bankers and lawyers month fiancees you just don't know where the way that I know her no but I do know you come on I'm just looking out for you kid thanks kid well you know I might take Beasley home with me tonight it really helps to Chico Tom and I just live around the corner yeah well I gotta I gotta go back to the shelter or grab a few things I'll close up for you Thanks [Music] Beasley come on oh hey thanks Easley for the walk I will hey Carly yeah thank you for the watch you're welcome [Music] oh hey there I know what we need - mm-hmm what's your next brilliant plan you me it's pretty obvious the way down looked at you last night he lit up like a Firefly not to mention you absolutely glow around him I don't blow point is he's crushing on you - please he just doesn't know it yeah no come on that ship has sailed with the wind at Christy's back all right Nan's never gonna see me the way that he sees Christie and I mean that literally so you agreed agreed of what you need a tune-up what am i a car a makeover you know how men are they're visual you just have to bait the hook a little bait the hook if you want him back you have to WoW him you're insane insanity is the mother of invention necessity is the mother of invention exactly listen if Dan's not gonna be with Christie then he needs to figure that out on his own okay not because of your swatting well some things take plotting no no I am NOT going to be the the bait to your scheming hook then he's gonna be gone well then he was meant to go no this is not the time for your it's the way of the universe reasoning you know desperate times call for dead words for you no way ah that's four words anyways you have to trust me on this I don't trust you on anything listen I have a ton of patients in the morning so I'm gonna need you to go all right I just got here I think you need to go find somewhere else to metal oh I don't metal [Music] I'm really sorry I haven't been able to make a decision yet then well you don't choose the doc misses me I know that but it still has to be mutual right I just haven't felt that connection mm-hmm so are you getting tired of setting up all of my interviews Hey not at all okay when you know you'll know and so will he or she it's it's a lot like falling in love you can't control it it controls you are you an expert that falling in love far from it well is anyone actually yes my husband was and I was very lucky in that way I miss him and I guess that's why I'm looking for a friend well then let's make sure we find you the right match shall we [Music] [Music] Michelle countdown is on [Music] beginning of every regret you know mish-mosh hi dr. Monroe hey Michelle what are you two up to saving the world one makeover at a time now see it's a shelter later I'm gonna get a dog hey just so you know I still think this is crazy right I'm only doing this for you I know we just have to change something and some things things everything the glasses the hair you wear no makeup please be honest you said yourself Dan still considers you his high school sweetheart I mean this is Christy waters we're dealing with so if you want him to see you as something else you have to become something else what was the last time you went shopping senior year of high school come on shiny I don't care about stuff like that it's not like come on I like my clothes well I got my license in that no no I got my braces off in that it was a really big day it's cute okay I've student loans to pay off and I have a credit card [Music] Valiant [Music] let it down that anymore [Music] [Applause] I am we loving it maybe a little about the glasses what nope Michelle I can't see without those well it's important is the dancies we want him to see everything can you handle it I could try [Music] hey Dan dr. Monroe right on time you said you had someone in mind yes sir a new friend that just moved in I was telling him about you he'd like to meet let's do it all right it's back here so Prince here is interested in the new companion and he'd like to take you for a walk dr. Monroe I'm glad to hear it thanks Megan thank you all right so just be yourself don't try to impress dogs see truth I've been event for over 50 years Diane I think I talk to you then that's right you did oh wait whoa I already had an appointment with Prince he's already Requested in walk with me you told me noon I'm afraid I did mrs. Gilbert I am so sorry for the mix-up there are other dogs do you have any idea how long it has taken me to find a dog that I cut back wait Prince might have a solution he'd like to take both of you for a walk that's okay all right was it I suppose where should we go there's a nice little trail right around the corner well I think Prince would like that it does [Music] [Music] I'll take it first really all right I suggest you both be on your best behavior Prince here is very particular and frowns on anything but happy thoughts understood understood thank you take some time know get to know each other [Music] [Music] well that's highly alright that can't be Carly I think it is indeed it is scaled you're taller than I am hey hey what's we could get him get up that's just me being me I am inside and take care of the animals that I love what's going on she looks amazing right hmm she's doing so good okay you look fantastic he's coming act natural it's just straight ahead yeah I'm fine honestly where are your glasses in my murse why because I got contacts and they just they're not gonna arrive for a few more days huh well shouldn't you just wear your glasses in the meantime um no no because they're a different prescription and stronger one and well in my my glasses are in my purse or just in my car why did she get all dressed up well if I have to answer that you really don't get it do you did what it it oh to be young again not me I like being old except for my knee I had to give up my golf I'm past all that nonsense and courtship trying to impress someone I'm good yeah are you okay yes yeah so who is our patient here huh Beasley hey hey um recognize me Carly maybe if you pulled your hair back she could see your face better right my hair ties are in my purse your purse is in your car right here ever been oh all right oh okay [Music] Thanks wow you look nice I haven't seen you this dressed up since prom oh I just uh you know I thought I'd switch things up a little so um here ah okay let's see your pretty smile there we go Oh Vincent happy doc hey that's good [Music] I know I used to bring my charlie to you you know I thought you looked familiar Shepard right yeah yeah I Met Your Wife once and what was her name Claire I have a widow where now I'm sorry it's all right you've in a while and your husband you used to bring Charlie indices you know he's passed away as well it's been a few minutes oh listen I'm sorry we got off on the wrong foot today it's just that this is the first dog I've actually felt a connection don't think it's your turn to take the reins well I should get to know him a little better huh come on French huh buddy [Music] what was that totally my bad I talked her into it change things up a little why yeah I love you but you really are a clueless [Music] [Music] [Music] way to go Carly Monroe you just ruined any chance you had [Music] [Music] dr. Monroe hey hello Dan I'm here to give Prince a walk again yeah if that's okay yeah of course are you expecting someone no would have expected no one princess in the back you have you have you talked to Carly since the whole you know no no I tried calling her but she hasn't called me back why well if I have to answer that then you know get it there you can't what it it that's what I said uh-huh look I think Carly's trying to impress you impress me why you're asking the wrong person you might want to go see her all right what Prince oh I forgot mrs. Gilbert is walking Prince today would it be all right if you shared him again oh yeah yeah sure it's okay seems only fair two days in a row you too well Prince can't seem to quite make up his mind yeah he's a little torn and we don't want to put any pressure on it's no rush well that's very thoughtful shall we dr. Monroe Oh [Music] and you did not forget I was coming in I have no idea what you're talking about mrs. Joey yes you do okay well think so let me ask you something Emma the sprinkles here have a sweet tooth she definitely oh I bet she does but I don't think chocolate likes her very much [Music] that's chocolate did you give her exactly test solano ah best god I think the sprinkles kind of like your little sister I mean she can only eat what she's supposed to okay you wouldn't stuff your little sister full of chocolate now would you maybe oh well next time how about you just share your chocolate with me instead okay okay good thank you doctor sure let me know she breaks into another stash will do bye Emma hi hey why I hardly recognized you with your contacts in all very funny peace offering come on I'm the one who should be offering peace terms I'm so embarrassed don't be embarrassed we've all worn the wrong heels at the wrong occasion haha bag lunch just like old times mmm mmm I don't know is it peanut butter and jelly of course okay I accept your terms excellent man I don't think I've had a PB&J since high school last time for me was right here with you nicely done hey Monroe five bucks says she can't hit that shot come on I'm not that unathletic okay thank you make it ten okay no pressure [Music] lucky shot I'm fat I forgot my wallet you're such a liar don't be a Squatch oh hello mr. Hamilton nice to meet you let's go I like to shot [Music] so did I make a total fool of myself or just sort of oh no no it was miss total come on but I know why you did it I think and I know that my sister put you up to it playing matchmaker so maybe I wouldn't move exactly I have to twist my arm why exactly did you do it it doesn't really matter I just hate seeing you forced into a decision you don't want to make and that's it that's your only more I guess I thought maybe for a minute that if I was as pretty as Christie then maybe you would have second thoughts it was stupid yeah it was come on you don't have to beat that on it so I mean that you think that that's all that I care about is how Christie looks for job her fame and I'll let you in on a little secret you don't need all those things to be prettier than Christine the part where you pass me a note you asked me to be your girlfriend and tell me to circle yes or no I'm being serious then don't tease me I'm not Carly you are beautiful inside and out glasses or no glasses the truth is seeing you again it just brought me right back to us listen I just I got caught up in the moment and I was silly and over it over it over it it really makes it me wish I never went away to college make regrets out of the choices you made but you don't think it was a mistake that we both left no because it was a mistake then it invalidates every choice we've ever made did I think about you yes that I sometimes wonder what might have been yes what's your damn the dog man your path took you here and there world's a better place because men and I followed my dreams and then I'm a veterinarian and the world is a better place because of that too everything happens the way it's supposed to so no regrets [Music] you still believe in all that all of it I think I'm making a mistake now oh you're making that choice damn tell me a mistake if it's not your own hey Michelle yeah what time is it ya know be right there come on took the time I've been calling and calling sorry my phone died where were you having lunch with her it's 4 o'clock Dan no I lost track of time listen it was my fault I was enjoying his company I'm sure you were while you two were out gallivanting no one here can make a decision they don't know what dog you want a feature we just didn't know which dog was already to be matched yet we have no dog for the segment and we go on air in 3 minutes speckles ok no sushi get sushi oh I'll get him Go Go what catching up on old times yeah I don't like the way she speaks to me or looks at me she probably feels the same way oh so it's my fault we need a dog now come on Prince Derek that one no that one's not a production excuse me we're gonna need to borrow this dog for what Friday's friend segment sort of have an emergency situation 30 seconds this is our ease you're gonna have to find another dog you'll find another dog no we are about to go the hive a prince already made his decision which one of us did he think seriously I think you both know the answer that Dan you're a very rude young lady excuse me I got it Oh Carly to the rescue I hope so for Channel 7 News I'm Kristy waters with dan the dog man saying make man's best friend your best friend and clear great job thank you and my apologies just don't think any of you realize the pressure of performing on live TV I get some water please oh how does the extended interview process going Prince that's what my grandpa tells me to so you must be mrs. Gilbert I am it's really nice to meet you nice to meet you too and thank you Dan it wouldn't be fair if someone else got their hopes up for this one well I know a good match when I see one excuse me everyone I have an announcement to make a surprise for the man I love Dan the dog man here we go I know I have been totally wrapped up in my new job and I'm sorry for that but yesterday I called the network and told them I needed a big favor and I am proud to announce that you dan Landis will be the New York Regional Executive Director for the National Dog Rescue Association what yes right in the heart of New York everything you're doing here but on an entirely different level are you soon yes of course I'm serious I don't know what to say how about thank you thank you I knew you'd be happy yeah yeah definitely I'm gonna go get out of this makeup looks like another celebration is in order okay [Music] I honestly can say I didn't see that coming here that's kind of surprises huh yeah congratulations you deserve it Thanks sure well I guess that's that then my daddy ever credit her timing is impeccable hmm I know I go on and on about the shelter but he's my brother and I kind of like having him there I got used to it so you're just giving up yeah I mean Dan just let his dream job our little plan backfired we have the white flag I'm not have an idea talk to me only problem is I still have feelings for Dan or is it simply a transference of memories there you do think that again we have to understand something Michelle we don't remember past relationships based on fact who remember them based on feelings you know just grasp onto something that can never be recreated and by romanticizing certain experiences we simply make our present fulfillment why I've seen worse than it actually is come again have to make sure that I've done the right thing very fine we have less than a week what's your plan okay so Dan's main concern about leaving is the welfare of the dogs right right seems to be a case so what if we have an adoption fair I mean forget about adopting one dog what do we find homes for all of them for Dan leaves that's great the dogs yay but what about you and down and keeping him here I mean that's just gonna make him happy that easily well not necessarily I mean if it'll make him realize what wonderful work he's doing here and you know what I've been walking away from the chance to spend some more time together really use some more time uh-huh dick events down for you both I see there we go just keep an eye on him you'll be okay [Music] [Music] you didn't steal him did you why stole him actually I thought maybe you might like to take him for a walk on your own property give me a chance to see if he likes it here or not before he makes his decision good idea I'll be right with you [Music] you think Prince would like it here I think he'd love it you know if I did adopt him you could come and visited many time oh well I mean we got to do what's right for the dog you know your flowers are so beautiful did you plan all these yourself it's become somewhat of a hobby you decided to retire you're gonna need a hobby not if Carly's more than capable my patience will be in good hands you know she is so lovely and it's just a shame that Dan's moving away because the two of them are in love they seem to be the only two they don't know it I think they do they just don't know how to say I hope they figure it out shame if they don't [Music] I think it's perfect you think we can get it organized in a week we can do it yeah we can do it was just um you know pass out some flyers hang out some posters and you know we'll make it an event what are we gonna hold it well it shouldn't be here it should be someplace people would normally take their dogs right how about long late work you know we could set up a walking area do a meet and greet have some fun we could do an interview room I love it great oh and I thought a banner that says countdown to love just to remind people that dogs are more than just pets oh hey bees you doing okay huh countdown the love yeah let's just call it what it is okay yeah let's do it [Music] Hey I just really want you to know I really appreciate everything you're doing and shoot sorry hey what's up because if I'm gonna work for them I'm here okay yeah sure see you soon I'm gonna have to catch up with you I gotta go help Christy pack yeah I gotta give Beasley another checkup anyway it's just so amazing how she has taken to you yeah she just needed a little more time it's amazing how much she loves dogs I mean she's a real dog person what I'm just saying right we'll see you there so I've got all the shelter volunteers on board with helping with the event local media is gonna promote it and they are eating up hand on the love idea it's great what next banners so I'm gonna head to the local print shop oh and tomorrow we have to work on getting all these critters cleaned up so can you get some supplies for that I'm already on it great I'll see you tomorrow Forever Friends rescue shelter Michelle speaking [Music] Oh Carly Oh ha hey miss Gilbert Rita came over to discuss Prince Oh Mina we were just talking I'm just talking about discussing French clearly come sit down actually we made a decision about Perez and who gets to adopt him dan seems to think he likes both of us equally I see and after careful consideration we decided that we would we both actually like to spend a lot more time with him actually but as much time as possible okay and the only logical way to do that is if we both adopted very logical yeah which means we would be spending a lot of time together well I think that's great you do really yeah of course I did why I know you both deserve a friend well it's mostly about Prince definitely and it's very noble oh by the way you know I saw a cute little apartment were very happy just down the street okay I'll look into it I think okay you don't think this is moving a little fast to you for prints well in our age we have to move fast well have a good night [Music] so you know I just so close with my grandfather and I just thought that it made sense for me to want to become a better team you know ya know it's been so good today too [Music] got em clean nobody likes a smelly dog do they [Music] no I was thinking mm-hmm Beasley here and you know that I'm a good matchmaker oh yeah the best a legend what are they calling in these parts the canine connect well that's one of them anyhow I was thinking that I should adopt Beasley well actually that Beasley should adopt you but yeah right you're the only other person that she trusts and I'm not holding onto a lot of hope that that's gonna change after the adoption fair I'm just really worried about what's gonna happen to her after I leave Beasley he's great but she belongs with you yeah it's not negotiable it's pretty amazing to me how you can be so good at matching dogs to people and even people to other people what do you mean my grandfather hasn't been this happy in years very cleverly done by the way it was a layup yeah but still you did that and you do it every day but somehow you really have no talent for matching yourself to others do you you know every discussion we have is about my choices and my decisions what about you why can't you tell me how you really feel okay don't go to New York that's how I feel no that's what you think I don't you want me to go into New York come on because damn Wow her timing is impeccable so is yours Vickers you two would being a dog-friendly cafe are you having another stroll down memory lane we were just discussing my future in New York how much I'm gonna miss Beasley Beasley yeah easily well thanks to me Beasley will more than likely have a new home by tomorrow I spoke with my station manager they've agreed to do live updates from the adoption fair throughout the day sort of an extension of the Friday friend segment there won't be a single dog left with that kind of exposure and then there will be nothing holding Dan back exactly you know Christie you have an uncanny ability of doing other people favors that somehow managed to serve you more than anyone thank you Dan for having dinner with my parents remember are you coming with me are you yeah yeah and then you just set that to him just like that yep then what happened he seemed really upset really and then what happened nothing clean mean showed up just in time to bail him out you're so close I'm not sorry I can hear you it was so loud what would you say go ahead all right it's no sauce only we had a few more days he almost didn't get into our car and tell him again profess your love to him I can't do that why not because you can't just convince someone to fall in love with you you are so stubborn you don't have to convince him he loves you you know he does know it's it's really it's not too late look he made his choice I saw that today so let's just do the adoption fair tomorrow and then we'll just get on with our lives ice cream ice cream always helps yeah I'm so many flavors right now stock freezer yeah of course you two seem to be hitting it off quite nicely huh Oh Beasley yeah pretty sure she has her heart set on someone else yeah I've been watching watching while not spying that's why I watch I observe I was a teacher it taught me a lot about human nature I used to see these kids they would they'd have crushes on each other but they'd never say anything about it and I think they were too embarrassed but yet they always seem to find some reason to interact like walking the same dog mrs. Gilbert yeah I think I've been playing along quite nicely don't you oh yes very very nicely I mean men are clueless sometimes I mean that in the most loving way it's really quite sweet and then of course there's Dan he's so proud of his matchmaking skills and I don't want him to be disappointed but I did kind of make sure that I was at the shelter of a second time your grandfather came to walk the dog grandpa's kind of hot mrs. Gilbert no seriously stop you know women don't pick up on things the way we do dan that's why I had to play along you know and just to act like I didn't know it was more than Prince he wanted to take a walk with soon you're on dinner of course I am she doesn't realize that don't tell her I don't wanna embarrass her dr. Munro insisting all dog can learn new tricks who says I'm an old dog I'm just so obvious how you two feel about each other just say it your grandfather is telling me everything I need to know without ever saying a word sometimes you need to say where it's mrs. Colburn sometimes you need to hear him this isn't a dress rehearsal it's our life you see that on a pillow or a sign a sign actually look the point is the two of you didn't just find the perfect dog you you found each other seize the day I remember I guess I should be taking my own advice hey you said it not me you want me to tell her how I feel dr. Monroe women they want to hear what's in your heart you don't want her to meet another dog start taking him for a walk no I suppose not so I think we're finished here that's two let's go find Princeton we'll take him for a walk great [Music] did you say I haven't told you how I felt oh yeah oh yeah thank the clue in fingers crossed I'm so happy for them me too no it's funny I I know mrs. Gilbert has more life experience than I do but I think I was able to give her some really good advice yeah me too how big flew in you keep saying that oh [Music] I gotta get bac
[Music] laughter [Music] I'm a nice vet so then do you think today will be the day well there's no way to predict match with any degree of certainty missus Cal rectify the day will come I promise you that all right well let's meet these new candidates well you're the candidate mrs. Gilbert the dogs need to meet you of course [Music] excuse me fugitive on the loose yeah hi responds the name of Rocco apparently Carly dan hi I didn't know you were in town yeah last week I'm taking over my grandpa's clinic your sister wrote me and said you guys needed some help but um since I've lost my first patient already not yet apparently oh sorry um friend I used to be are you ready for your interview yeah [Music] hey there little guy Oh get used to it for clever especially this little guy thanks Michelle man you sure do you run fast for having such a short little legs okay come on let's see why you're so upset oh well that's why you so sensitive poor little guys got an ear infection but I'm going to fix that right up your grandpa must be so happy that you're back oh he is so much so that he wants me to live at his house permanently he has no idea why I would want to get my own place that's sweet he's probably just lonely yeah you know I keep trying to convince him to adopt one of these dogs oh we should set him up with my brother after all he is Dan the dog man dan the dog man everyone's favorite matchmaker the canine connector yeah this way yeah no I already ran into him literally that's fast yeah hey how come you didn't tell him I was the new volunteer veterinarian oh I just you know wanted it to be a surprise why Oh she'll miss preschool all right what's the old ticker come here Wow I mean this is seriously probably the nicest shelter I've ever been in how do you for this oh we have a secret weapon a secret weapon you're gonna love this we have a genuine TV star that does a weekly segment on the news brings in a lot of donations Oh oh my goodness she is just the most adorable thing I've ever seen Oh Oh meet Cujo oh no I don't believe that that couldn't possibly be true her real name is Beasley and even Dan can't find a match for her let's go okay it's about to start about the start [Music] welcome to Friday's forever friend weekly segments I'm your secret weapon oh just wait we're live in 30 seconds where's our star I thought Dan was there oh yeah yes it's just she doesn't know it yet she mm-hmm right here makeup has to be right people Kristy waters the queen of mean I told you you'd love it ten seconds she was always posing for a camera even when there wasn't one even better hi everyone it's the end of the week and that means it's time to meet Fridays forever friend I'm here as always with Dan the dog man Landis the canine connector at the Forever Friends shelter where it's time is very cute I gotta tell you this guy his name is actually my sister Michelle and she named Bob's brother Stan so I think they might grow up to be accountants do you want to hold them of course you are the most gorgeous wittle guy ever Bob's here looking for someone who likes to play in that's good at throwing sticks if you're lucky enough to have Bob picked you then Bob's adoption will be easy and affordable and that's why we love to show all the folks at home Friday's for other friends I'll be back next week with Dan the dog man to introduce you to another lovable pooch looking for a forever home for Channel 7 News I'm Christy waters saying make man's best friend your best friend and clear can somebody take this please sure I got him my god wait she hates dogs and yeah it gets better I wish you wouldn't make me hold them like that how many times do I have to tell you sorry but it works you're lucky you are so damn cute what yeah hey Carly I'll take him Carly Monroe wow you're exactly the same so are you don't take that as a compliment so hi this is Christy waters seriously yes yes of course absolutely I'll be there thank you so much bye bye I'm going to New York you got the job I can't believe it it's actually happening oh my head is spinning if they want me welcome to the Christy show exactly well not right away all of you field reporter to start but not for long Oh New York City well congratulations thank you come on Dan the dog man we are going out to celebrate should I tell her the dog he made a messy on her shirt [Music] me grandpa Carly I think I burnt dinner why I love fern yeah well this is beyond burnt do you settle for a salad yeah how'd it go at the shelter wonderful house really great seeing Michelle again and I've missed her you know I saw Dan segment he's good isn't he yes fine yeah and and what I wasn't seeing him after all these years fine fine grandpa all right none of my business yeah this is happy you're back well I'm really happy to be back too maybe you could convince mom to move home tell your mom loves the Sun she's a snowbird forever yeah you're probably right all right what is it nothing I'm fine okay you know actually I'm gonna run upstairs and change really quick I'll be right back you know you don't have to find your own place you can stay here yeah hainan okay [Music] [Music] [Music] I haven't changed a bit Carly Monroe [Music] [Music] [Music] in Christine waters how does that even happen am I supposed to observe tear in the time-space continuum clearly but we don't even have anything in common she's still look just as pretentious as she was in high school and the fact that she hates dogs how is that even acceptable to him I mean I just I don't what you're still crushing on my brother aren't you uh-huh your face just turned shades of paint I don't do paint uh-huh really one shave at least I don't care about his well-being well the way you looked at him yesterday you know nothing to do with this ball game and the way he looks at Christine waters has nothing to do with mine we all guys look at Christine at hair Steve a beautiful face so so magical doesn't matter she is moving to a distant galaxy far far away and long distance relationships and distant galaxies never work you and Dan of all people should know that your timing is perfect my timing mm-hmm Michelle I did not move back here to be with Dan we're not in high school anymore like all still in high school doesn't matter you can deny it all you want but there's a reason why you in love got married I've kids all of that why why no it's not like that mm-hmm no dan and I we had something great and then we went off to college life happened you know I think it is I think it's just that I don't want to settle for anything less than how I felt for him and that's that's it that's all that's and the story but all stories that are good deserve a sequel so I am happy with my life do not meddle no I'm not phenomenally you you are a meddler you always meddle I gotta go do you want to come over tonight for dinner okay sure yeah hook up a little love pasta would you stop all right I'm going [Music] Hey oh great I see you dressed up for the occasion what occasion I'm in no no seven nothing's going on so I thought we would do my famous spinach pasta famous where everywhere hey kid ah using your old nicknames I see oh yeah no I just invited down because I figured to it barely had a chance to catch up sorry I didn't want to crash the party oh no I am I'm really happy to see you I just dressed up a bit for the occasion I'll be right back you two do your thing so Oh so are you here for good yeah yeah that's the plan you know assuming my grandfather actually ever retires Carly the veterinarian who would have thought hmm damn dog man who woulda thought well you started in me yeah when we were kids remember that puppy that got swept in the creek behind your house yeah and our poor thing gonna drown if you hadn't jumped in you mean if you hadn't pushed me in the dog yeah I've been saving him ever since yeah every Friday Friday thing that's kind of silly isn't it mm-hmm hey it works the truth is I kind of hate being on television really well I thought it was great you know you're a natural like your girlfriend oh yeah Kristi Wow she lives for it she always has it for it and I guess but you know what she helps raise a lot of money so oh that's really considerate of her since she seems to hate dogs hey it's a pretty strong word when it comes Kristi you haven't changed a bit I take that as a compliment if I were you well it was menses one for for what for plateless why for you didn't she wanted to come damn Kristi great thanks for coming hello everyone hey so sweet of you to do this I mean it's just dinner oh no it's not I mean we could have gone to a nice restaurant or something but this is very thoughtful and honestly unexpected I didn't think you'd approve mmm not that Dan needs your approval and I'm missing something um you haven't even told her tell me what well first I'm needed in New York sooner than expected we're moving at the end of the month oh you're moving at the end of the month no we asked together when that's not the big news the big news is we're getting married married I haven't had a chance to tell you yet we just decided this morning decided huh you're getting married yeah it's exciting huh married you can't move to New York of course he can I mean what about the shelter I'm gonna figure something out dan has bigger aspirations than running a dog shelter so do i I was supposed to go back to cosmetology school that was our agreement well our agreement was that if I got the network job and moved to New York and get married how romantic we can talk about this tomorrow you can't leave hey it's gonna be all right okay so what's for dinner I'm starved Bon Appetit [Music] he cannot leave he's going to marry her cannot happen she's so wrong for him he's going to be stuck with her for the rest of his life you have to change the mind oh come on you can't just change someone's mind about these things do you want him to marry her not exactly do you want the shelter to be shut down no of course not you trust me of course not we have 30 days to turn this disaster and the meddling begins no the countdown begins [Music] while your duck will be swimming again in no time mrs. Benn laughs hello thank you you're very sweet well that's because she takes after me your granddaughter has a nice disposition I don't know where she got that from very funny but nonetheless you're going to be in good hands when I retire you're never gonna retire Isaac you know that we'll take care now yeah she's right you know this was your calling I know that look what is it I'm fine I heard Dan was leaving getting married is he hmm word travels fast huh I don't think Dan in New York are a very good match dodea it's not really my business oh well I'm worried about the shelter you know he does great work there and there's a lot of dogs that wouldn't have homes if it wasn't for him that he realizes that it seemed make a mistake [Music] what is it Shido wants me to come in one of the dogs is having an emergency so I'll see you later you want me to go no it's okay I got it okay [Music] I've already been looking at places on the Upper East Side the whole wedding thing is another issue it's gonna meet everything I can do to keep my mother from taking over you know how she is well I know doesn't matter we will decide what we want I just could not believe this is really happening we're actually gonna be living in New York what am I gonna be doing there we'll find something for you sweetie look a whole new world of opportunities is gonna open up for both of us it's a big change Kristina Michelle she's not happy it's putting her under a lot of pressure too Michelle doesn't control your life what it's nothing I want you to be excited about this I am excited but I've got a lot of responsibilities here and you'll get it all figured out like you always do you have always been so supportive and I want you with me for a team and I love you [Music] right now it's Michelle something's wrong with one of the dogs can't she handle it I mean she might as well get used to handling things right it's beastly you know that nasty thing she's not nasty and I'm the only one that she trusts it's just a dog See Mom [Music] poor thing what's wrong with her it was the darndest thing I heard when purring and then I went to check in on her and she wasn't moving then like a miracle just popped right back to normal before Carly got here miracle huh she seems fine to me I would check her just to be sure take your time uh-huh I know how much Beasley means to you sorry hope didn't panic you yeah she wasn't breathing right like I said it was the darndest thing yeah he said that what were you doing here at this hour anyway well I have to take over the shelter so I have a lot of work to do right right I'm gonna let you two and [Music] well good thing she was here huh this is miracle yeah speaking of which what you seem to be the only the person Beasley's comfortable with oh really what's our history we don't know I found her in a ditch Oh I guess that's why she trusts me so much yep she definitely likes you oh yeah yeah oh wait um she's wondering if she can take you for a walk wait take me for a walk yeah well yes of course I would love that would you like to join us I'll have to ask oh I I said okay Beasley I think that's a yes definitely a yes yeah come on you [Music] so down the Dogman mr. expert matchmaker on these ways clearly chosen of who she wants to be with why am i adopted her it's complicated you do know it's complicated is a euphemism before it shouldn't have Vitas complicated right hey are you hungry these are so good always hungry we get to strawberry and chocolate crepes please what's a crepe space huh yep you definitely are the only other person besides me and she's comfortable with Oh at first now we get along don't we bees I think it's cuz you love dogs so much yeah well you and I have that in common yeah Christy and I don't thank you yeah but I mean why is that she has some kind of crazy allergy or what she just doesn't like dogs wait I'm sorry I'm just trying to comprehend she she doesn't like dogs at all apparently when she was a little girl she got bit I just think that's an excuse you know I wonder sometimes whether she just doesn't like that I get more attention with dogs than her jealous of the rescue animals it's just a theory okay we thought never being able to have a dog it's a relationship right it's about compromise no compromises about meeting in the middle I'm seeing about 90 tiny here Dan sorry she's your fiancee do I detect a little bit of sarcasm Carly Monroe I wasn't going for a little that's right you haven't changed a bit Wow how else are you gonna know that I will that I am sincere so how'd you end up with Christie waters I mean laurels biggest dog lover the world's biggest dog eater she didn't exactly spell it out when we first started dating so she lied to you she didn't exactly lie to me come on classic bait-and-switch sorry I can't help it hey don't be sorry all right I really appreciate that you're honest with me but if you really want to know the truth Friday friend thing that was all Christie's idea she made it happen I was allowed to do what I love save the shelter and a lot of animals so no I owe word for that doesn't you mean you love her for that come on and we Leo bankers and lawyers month fiancees you just don't know where the way that I know her no but I do know you come on I'm just looking out for you kid thanks kid well you know I might take Beasley home with me tonight it really helps to Chico Tom and I just live around the corner yeah well I gotta I gotta go back to the shelter or grab a few things I'll close up for you Thanks [Music] Beasley come on oh hey thanks Easley for the walk I will hey Carly yeah thank you for the watch you're welcome [Music] oh hey there I know what we need - mm-hmm what's your next brilliant plan you me it's pretty obvious the way down looked at you last night he lit up like a Firefly not to mention you absolutely glow around him I don't blow point is he's crushing on you - please he just doesn't know it yeah no come on that ship has sailed with the wind at Christy's back all right Nan's never gonna see me the way that he sees Christie and I mean that literally so you agreed agreed of what you need a tune-up what am i a car a makeover you know how men are they're visual you just have to bait the hook a little bait the hook if you want him back you have to WoW him you're insane insanity is the mother of invention necessity is the mother of invention exactly listen if Dan's not gonna be with Christie then he needs to figure that out on his own okay not because of your swatting well some things take plotting no no I am NOT going to be the the bait to your scheming hook then he's gonna be gone well then he was meant to go no this is not the time for your it's the way of the universe reasoning you know desperate times call for dead words for you no way ah that's four words anyways you have to trust me on this I don't trust you on anything listen I have a ton of patients in the morning so I'm gonna need you to go all right I just got here I think you need to go find somewhere else to metal oh I don't metal [Music] I'm really sorry I haven't been able to make a decision yet then well you don't choose the doc misses me I know that but it still has to be mutual right I just haven't felt that connection mm-hmm so are you getting tired of setting up all of my interviews Hey not at all okay when you know you'll know and so will he or she it's it's a lot like falling in love you can't control it it controls you are you an expert that falling in love far from it well is anyone actually yes my husband was and I was very lucky in that way I miss him and I guess that's why I'm looking for a friend well then let's make sure we find you the right match shall we [Music] [Music] Michelle countdown is on [Music] beginning of every regret you know mish-mosh hi dr. Monroe hey Michelle what are you two up to saving the world one makeover at a time now see it's a shelter later I'm gonna get a dog hey just so you know I still think this is crazy right I'm only doing this for you I know we just have to change something and some things things everything the glasses the hair you wear no makeup please be honest you said yourself Dan still considers you his high school sweetheart I mean this is Christy waters we're dealing with so if you want him to see you as something else you have to become something else what was the last time you went shopping senior year of high school come on shiny I don't care about stuff like that it's not like come on I like my clothes well I got my license in that no no I got my braces off in that it was a really big day it's cute okay I've student loans to pay off and I have a credit card [Music] Valiant [Music] let it down that anymore [Music] [Applause] I am we loving it maybe a little about the glasses what nope Michelle I can't see without those well it's important is the dancies we want him to see everything can you handle it I could try [Music] hey Dan dr. Monroe right on time you said you had someone in mind yes sir a new friend that just moved in I was telling him about you he'd like to meet let's do it all right it's back here so Prince here is interested in the new companion and he'd like to take you for a walk dr. Monroe I'm glad to hear it thanks Megan thank you all right so just be yourself don't try to impress dogs see truth I've been event for over 50 years Diane I think I talk to you then that's right you did oh wait whoa I already had an appointment with Prince he's already Requested in walk with me you told me noon I'm afraid I did mrs. Gilbert I am so sorry for the mix-up there are other dogs do you have any idea how long it has taken me to find a dog that I cut back wait Prince might have a solution he'd like to take both of you for a walk that's okay all right was it I suppose where should we go there's a nice little trail right around the corner well I think Prince would like that it does [Music] [Music] I'll take it first really all right I suggest you both be on your best behavior Prince here is very particular and frowns on anything but happy thoughts understood understood thank you take some time know get to know each other [Music] [Music] well that's highly alright that can't be Carly I think it is indeed it is scaled you're taller than I am hey hey what's we could get him get up that's just me being me I am inside and take care of the animals that I love what's going on she looks amazing right hmm she's doing so good okay you look fantastic he's coming act natural it's just straight ahead yeah I'm fine honestly where are your glasses in my murse why because I got contacts and they just they're not gonna arrive for a few more days huh well shouldn't you just wear your glasses in the meantime um no no because they're a different prescription and stronger one and well in my my glasses are in my purse or just in my car why did she get all dressed up well if I have to answer that you really don't get it do you did what it it oh to be young again not me I like being old except for my knee I had to give up my golf I'm past all that nonsense and courtship trying to impress someone I'm good yeah are you okay yes yeah so who is our patient here huh Beasley hey hey um recognize me Carly maybe if you pulled your hair back she could see your face better right my hair ties are in my purse your purse is in your car right here ever been oh all right oh okay [Music] Thanks wow you look nice I haven't seen you this dressed up since prom oh I just uh you know I thought I'd switch things up a little so um here ah okay let's see your pretty smile there we go Oh Vincent happy doc hey that's good [Music] I know I used to bring my charlie to you you know I thought you looked familiar Shepard right yeah yeah I Met Your Wife once and what was her name Claire I have a widow where now I'm sorry it's all right you've in a while and your husband you used to bring Charlie indices you know he's passed away as well it's been a few minutes oh listen I'm sorry we got off on the wrong foot today it's just that this is the first dog I've actually felt a connection don't think it's your turn to take the reins well I should get to know him a little better huh come on French huh buddy [Music] what was that totally my bad I talked her into it change things up a little why yeah I love you but you really are a clueless [Music] [Music] [Music] way to go Carly Monroe you just ruined any chance you had [Music] [Music] dr. Monroe hey hello Dan I'm here to give Prince a walk again yeah if that's okay yeah of course are you expecting someone no would have expected no one princess in the back you have you have you talked to Carly since the whole you know no no I tried calling her but she hasn't called me back why well if I have to answer that then you know get it there you can't what it it that's what I said uh-huh look I think Carly's trying to impress you impress me why you're asking the wrong person you might want to go see her all right what Prince oh I forgot mrs. Gilbert is walking Prince today would it be all right if you shared him again oh yeah yeah sure it's okay seems only fair two days in a row you too well Prince can't seem to quite make up his mind yeah he's a little torn and we don't want to put any pressure on it's no rush well that's very thoughtful shall we dr. Monroe Oh [Music] and you did not forget I was coming in I have no idea what you're talking about mrs. Joey yes you do okay well think so let me ask you something Emma the sprinkles here have a sweet tooth she definitely oh I bet she does but I don't think chocolate likes her very much [Music] that's chocolate did you give her exactly test solano ah best god I think the sprinkles kind of like your little sister I mean she can only eat what she's supposed to okay you wouldn't stuff your little sister full of chocolate now would you maybe oh well next time how about you just share your chocolate with me instead okay okay good thank you doctor sure let me know she breaks into another stash will do bye Emma hi hey why I hardly recognized you with your contacts in all very funny peace offering come on I'm the one who should be offering peace terms I'm so embarrassed don't be embarrassed we've all worn the wrong heels at the wrong occasion haha bag lunch just like old times mmm mmm I don't know is it peanut butter and jelly of course okay I accept your terms excellent man I don't think I've had a PB&J since high school last time for me was right here with you nicely done hey Monroe five bucks says she can't hit that shot come on I'm not that unathletic okay thank you make it ten okay no pressure [Music] lucky shot I'm fat I forgot my wallet you're such a liar don't be a Squatch oh hello mr. Hamilton nice to meet you let's go I like to shot [Music] so did I make a total fool of myself or just sort of oh no no it was miss total come on but I know why you did it I think and I know that my sister put you up to it playing matchmaker so maybe I wouldn't move exactly I have to twist my arm why exactly did you do it it doesn't really matter I just hate seeing you forced into a decision you don't want to make and that's it that's your only more I guess I thought maybe for a minute that if I was as pretty as Christie then maybe you would have second thoughts it was stupid yeah it was come on you don't have to beat that on it so I mean that you think that that's all that I care about is how Christie looks for job her fame and I'll let you in on a little secret you don't need all those things to be prettier than Christine the part where you pass me a note you asked me to be your girlfriend and tell me to circle yes or no I'm being serious then don't tease me I'm not Carly you are beautiful inside and out glasses or no glasses the truth is seeing you again it just brought me right back to us listen I just I got caught up in the moment and I was silly and over it over it over it it really makes it me wish I never went away to college make regrets out of the choices you made but you don't think it was a mistake that we both left no because it was a mistake then it invalidates every choice we've ever made did I think about you yes that I sometimes wonder what might have been yes what's your damn the dog man your path took you here and there world's a better place because men and I followed my dreams and then I'm a veterinarian and the world is a better place because of that too everything happens the way it's supposed to so no regrets [Music] you still believe in all that all of it I think I'm making a mistake now oh you're making that choice damn tell me a mistake if it's not your own hey Michelle yeah what time is it ya know be right there come on took the time I've been calling and calling sorry my phone died where were you having lunch with her it's 4 o'clock Dan no I lost track of time listen it was my fault I was enjoying his company I'm sure you were while you two were out gallivanting no one here can make a decision they don't know what dog you want a feature we just didn't know which dog was already to be matched yet we have no dog for the segment and we go on air in 3 minutes speckles ok no sushi get sushi oh I'll get him Go Go what catching up on old times yeah I don't like the way she speaks to me or looks at me she probably feels the same way oh so it's my fault we need a dog now come on Prince Derek that one no that one's not a production excuse me we're gonna need to borrow this dog for what Friday's friend segment sort of have an emergency situation 30 seconds this is our ease you're gonna have to find another dog you'll find another dog no we are about to go the hive a prince already made his decision which one of us did he think seriously I think you both know the answer that Dan you're a very rude young lady excuse me I got it Oh Carly to the rescue I hope so for Channel 7 News I'm Kristy waters with dan the dog man saying make man's best friend your best friend and clear great job thank you and my apologies just don't think any of you realize the pressure of performing on live TV I get some water please oh how does the extended interview process going Prince that's what my grandpa tells me to so you must be mrs. Gilbert I am it's really nice to meet you nice to meet you too and thank you Dan it wouldn't be fair if someone else got their hopes up for this one well I know a good match when I see one excuse me everyone I have an announcement to make a surprise for the man I love Dan the dog man here we go I know I have been totally wrapped up in my new job and I'm sorry for that but yesterday I called the network and told them I needed a big favor and I am proud to announce that you dan Landis will be the New York Regional Executive Director for the National Dog Rescue Association what yes right in the heart of New York everything you're doing here but on an entirely different level are you soon yes of course I'm serious I don't know what to say how about thank you thank you I knew you'd be happy yeah yeah definitely I'm gonna go get out of this makeup looks like another celebration is in order okay [Music] I honestly can say I didn't see that coming here that's kind of surprises huh yeah congratulations you deserve it Thanks sure well I guess that's that then my daddy ever credit her timing is impeccable hmm I know I go on and on about the shelter but he's my brother and I kind of like having him there I got used to it so you're just giving up yeah I mean Dan just let his dream job our little plan backfired we have the white flag I'm not have an idea talk to me only problem is I still have feelings for Dan or is it simply a transference of memories there you do think that again we have to understand something Michelle we don't remember past relationships based on fact who remember them based on feelings you know just grasp onto something that can never be recreated and by romanticizing certain experiences we simply make our present fulfillment why I've seen worse than it actually is come again have to make sure that I've done the right thing very fine we have less than a week what's your plan okay so Dan's main concern about leaving is the welfare of the dogs right right seems to be a case so what if we have an adoption fair I mean forget about adopting one dog what do we find homes for all of them for Dan leaves that's great the dogs yay but what about you and down and keeping him here I mean that's just gonna make him happy that easily well not necessarily I mean if it'll make him realize what wonderful work he's doing here and you know what I've been walking away from the chance to spend some more time together really use some more time uh-huh dick events down for you both I see there we go just keep an eye on him you'll be okay [Music] [Music] you didn't steal him did you why stole him actually I thought maybe you might like to take him for a walk on your own property give me a chance to see if he likes it here or not before he makes his decision good idea I'll be right with you [Music] you think Prince would like it here I think he'd love it you know if I did adopt him you could come and visited many time oh well I mean we got to do what's right for the dog you know your flowers are so beautiful did you plan all these yourself it's become somewhat of a hobby you decided to retire you're gonna need a hobby not if Carly's more than capable my patience will be in good hands you know she is so lovely and it's just a shame that Dan's moving away because the two of them are in love they seem to be the only two they don't know it I think they do they just don't know how to say I hope they figure it out shame if they don't [Music] I think it's perfect you think we can get it organized in a week we can do it yeah we can do it was just um you know pass out some flyers hang out some posters and you know we'll make it an event what are we gonna hold it well it shouldn't be here it should be someplace people would normally take their dogs right how about long late work you know we could set up a walking area do a meet and greet have some fun we could do an interview room I love it great oh and I thought a banner that says countdown to love just to remind people that dogs are more than just pets oh hey bees you doing okay huh countdown the love yeah let's just call it what it is okay yeah let's do it [Music] Hey I just really want you to know I really appreciate everything you're doing and shoot sorry hey what's up because if I'm gonna work for them I'm here okay yeah sure see you soon I'm gonna have to catch up with you I gotta go help Christy pack yeah I gotta give Beasley another checkup anyway it's just so amazing how she has taken to you yeah she just needed a little more time it's amazing how much she loves dogs I mean she's a real dog person what I'm just saying right we'll see you there so I've got all the shelter volunteers on board with helping with the event local media is gonna promote it and they are eating up hand on the love idea it's great what next banners so I'm gonna head to the local print shop oh and tomorrow we have to work on getting all these critters cleaned up so can you get some supplies for that I'm already on it great I'll see you tomorrow Forever Friends rescue shelter Michelle speaking [Music] Oh Carly Oh ha hey miss Gilbert Rita came over to discuss Prince Oh Mina we were just talking I'm just talking about discussing French clearly come sit down actually we made a decision about Perez and who gets to adopt him dan seems to think he likes both of us equally I see and after careful consideration we decided that we would we both actually like to spend a lot more time with him actually but as much time as possible okay and the only logical way to do that is if we both adopted very logical yeah which means we would be spending a lot of time together well I think that's great you do really yeah of course I did why I know you both deserve a friend well it's mostly about Prince definitely and it's very noble oh by the way you know I saw a cute little apartment were very happy just down the street okay I'll look into it I think okay you don't think this is moving a little fast to you for prints well in our age we have to move fast well have a good night [Music] so you know I just so close with my grandfather and I just thought that it made sense for me to want to become a better team you know ya know it's been so good today too [Music] got em clean nobody likes a smelly dog do they [Music] no I was thinking mm-hmm Beasley here and you know that I'm a good matchmaker oh yeah the best a legend what are they calling in these parts the canine connect well that's one of them anyhow I was thinking that I should adopt Beasley well actually that Beasley should adopt you but yeah right you're the only other person that she trusts and I'm not holding onto a lot of hope that that's gonna change after the adoption fair I'm just really worried about what's gonna happen to her after I leave Beasley he's great but she belongs with you yeah it's not negotiable it's pretty amazing to me how you can be so good at matching dogs to people and even people to other people what do you mean my grandfather hasn't been this happy in years very cleverly done by the way it was a layup yeah but still you did that and you do it every day but somehow you really have no talent for matching yourself to others do you you know every discussion we have is about my choices and my decisions what about you why can't you tell me how you really feel okay don't go to New York that's how I feel no that's what you think I don't you want me to go into New York come on because damn Wow her timing is impeccable so is yours Vickers you two would being a dog-friendly cafe are you having another stroll down memory lane we were just discussing my future in New York how much I'm gonna miss Beasley Beasley yeah easily well thanks to me Beasley will more than likely have a new home by tomorrow I spoke with my station manager they've agreed to do live updates from the adoption fair throughout the day sort of an extension of the Friday friend segment there won't be a single dog left with that kind of exposure and then there will be nothing holding Dan back exactly you know Christie you have an uncanny ability of doing other people favors that somehow managed to serve you more than anyone thank you Dan for having dinner with my parents remember are you coming with me are you yeah yeah and then you just set that to him just like that yep then what happened he seemed really upset really and then what happened nothing clean mean showed up just in time to bail him out you're so close I'm not sorry I can hear you it was so loud what would you say go ahead all right it's no sauce only we had a few more days he almost didn't get into our car and tell him again profess your love to him I can't do that why not because you can't just convince someone to fall in love with you you are so stubborn you don't have to convince him he loves you you know he does know it's it's really it's not too late look he made his choice I saw that today so let's just do the adoption fair tomorrow and then we'll just get on with our lives ice cream ice cream always helps yeah I'm so many flavors right now stock freezer yeah of course you two seem to be hitting it off quite nicely huh Oh Beasley yeah pretty sure she has her heart set on someone else yeah I've been watching watching while not spying that's why I watch I observe I was a teacher it taught me a lot about human nature I used to see these kids they would they'd have crushes on each other but they'd never say anything about it and I think they were too embarrassed but yet they always seem to find some reason to interact like walking the same dog mrs. Gilbert yeah I think I've been playing along quite nicely don't you oh yes very very nicely I mean men are clueless sometimes I mean that in the most loving way it's really quite sweet and then of course there's Dan he's so proud of his matchmaking skills and I don't want him to be disappointed but I did kind of make sure that I was at the shelter of a second time your grandfather came to walk the dog grandpa's kind of hot mrs. Gilbert no seriously stop you know women don't pick up on things the way we do dan that's why I had to play along you know and just to act like I didn't know it was more than Prince he wanted to take a walk with soon you're on dinner of course I am she doesn't realize that don't tell her I don't wanna embarrass her dr. Munro insisting all dog can learn new tricks who says I'm an old dog I'm just so obvious how you two feel about each other just say it your grandfather is telling me everything I need to know without ever saying a word sometimes you need to say where it's mrs. Colburn sometimes you need to hear him this isn't a dress rehearsal it's our life you see that on a pillow or a sign a sign actually look the point is the two of you didn't just find the perfect dog you you found each other seize the day I remember I guess I should be taking my own advice hey you said it not me you want me to tell her how I feel dr. Monroe women they want to hear what's in your heart you don't want her to meet another dog start taking him for a walk no I suppose not so I think we're finished here that's two let's go find Princeton we'll take him for a walk great [Music] did you say I haven't told you how I felt oh yeah oh yeah thank the clue in fingers crossed I'm so happy for them me too no it's funny I I know mrs. Gilbert has more life experience than I do but I think I was able to give her some really good advice yeah me too how big flew in you keep saying that oh [Music] I gotta get back


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